Company Bureau can assist you to re-register an Irish Company and change its company type. Under the Companies Act 2014, it is possible to change from one company type to another i.e., Limited to Unlimited or Private to Public or vice versa. This may be required for a variety of reasons, for example, a Private Limited Company may wish to float on the stock exchange and subsequently would need to re-register as a Public Limited Company. We can assist you with the re-registration of the following company types:
- Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD) to Public Limited Company (PLC)
- Public Limited Company (PLC) to Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD)
- Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD) to Private Unlimited Company (PULC)
- Private Unlimited Company (PULC) to Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD)
- Multi-member Limited Company to Single-member Limited Company
- Single-member Limited Company to Multi-member Limited Company
- Re-registration to or from a Company Limited by Guarantee – CLG (now possible under the Companies Act 2014)
The Companies Act 2014 divided the previous Private Limited Company into two types; Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD) and the Designated Activity Company (DAC). This required all companies registered before June 1, 2015, to re-register under one of the new company types. To learn more, please click here.
Company Bureau can assist you with all the necessary legal documentation to re-register an Irish company, including resolutions, board minutes, amended Constitution, new share certificates, etc. to facilitate the above. For more information please Contact Us.