Change of Company Director or Secretary

Company Bureau can assist you with changing a Company Director or Secretary in your Irish Limited Company. Directors have a legal responsibility under the Companies Act 2014 and at common law to operate and manage the company diligently and professionally. The Company Secretary also has responsibility for filing annual returns and attending board meetings however this is a fiduciary responsibility.

Changing a Company Director or changing a Company Secretary is not quite as easy as completing a form. The following steps are required to complete this task properly for a company registered in Ireland:

  • Preparation and filing of Companies Registration Office Form B10
  • Directors Board Minutes to approve appointment/resignation
  • If a resignation, a letter stating the Officer has no claims against the company may be applicable
  • If an appointment, a contract or letter of appointment may be applicable
  • Updating the register of directors, and register of directors’ interests if applicable

Our fees start from just €150 +VAT to change the Director or Secretary of an Irish Company including the requisite board minutes. Paying a small fee to do this correctly could potentially save you a lot of headaches in the long run. For more information, or to proceed with changing a Company Director or changing a Company Secretary in Ireland, please Contact Us

Contact us for further details