Registration of a business name is required when forming any individual/partnership business or when a corporate entity wishes to trade under a different name than that of their own true name(s).
Irish Sole Trader or General Partnership
Many people start their businesses as either sole traders or general partnerships as an alternative to a limited company. This involves the registration of a business name with the Companies Registration Office. It should be noted, however, that no protection is given to the name registered, i.e. There is nothing to stop someone else registering the same name that you have registered (unlike a company) Please note that limited liability does not exist for a sole trader or partnership, as the business is not considered a separate legal entity from those involved.
Only residents of the Republic of Ireland can register as Sole Traders or Partnerships in Ireland. For Irish Residents who are non-EU nationals, please note you must have Stamp 4 and a letter of business permission from the Department of Justice to register a business name as a Sole Trader or Partnership.
When registering a Sole Trader business name, it is also required that all sole traders register for income tax once their business name has been registered. Company Bureau can assist you in registering for income tax as we offer a Sole Trader Business Name + Income Tax Registration Bundle for €195+VAT. If you wish to avail of this offer, please contact us or select the ‘Order Sole Trader’ option below.
Order Sole Trader €120 Order General Partnership €120Business Name registered under a Limited Company | Trade Name
Private Limited Companies (LTD) are no longer restricted in the activities that they can carry out by their Constitution since the Companies Act 2014 commenced into Irish law. After a Private Limited Company has been incorporated, it may choose to register additional business trade name(s) for its various business activities to avoid confusion when it comes to suppliers, customers and book-keeping.
For example; Company ABC LTD can register additional trade names that operate separate businesses, but they are still part of the same legal entity.
- Trade Name XYZ Operates a restaurant and
- Trade Name 123 Operates a beauty salon
- This would be seen as ABC LTD trading as XYZ and also ABC LTD trading as 123
A Business Registration can be completed for €120 including VAT and CRO fees. When you register a business name with us you will also receive a free .ie or .com domain name for 1 year! For more information on any of the topics covered in the article please Contact Us today, we would be happy to assist you.
Order a Trade Name €120