Irish Company Restoration Services
As Irish Company Secretarial experts, Company Bureau can assist you with the reinstatement of your company if it has been struck-off the register.
Company Struck-Off less than a year
Where a company has been struck off for less than 12 months, Company Bureau can draft and prepare the necessary documents in order to restore the company to the register. The documents filed will depend on whether the company is a CRO Strike-Off or a Revenue Strike-Off. To make this application, all outstanding annual returns must be filed together with the financial statements which are required to be annexed to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act 2014. These financial statements must relate to an individual financial year and may not be amalgamated with the accounts for another financial year or years. Late filing fees to the CRO must also be paid. Company Bureau can assist with the preparation of returns and non-trading accounts if you require us to.
Company Bureau Fee €275
VAT @23% €63.25
CRO Filing Fee (form H1 or H1R) €300
TOTAL: €638.25
High Court Company Restoration (Dissolved More than 1 year)
Where a company has been struck off the register for more than one year, an application to the High Court must be made to reinstate that company. Company Bureau’s fee for this service is typically €4,950 INCLUDING VAT. This fee includes Solicitor, Barrister, Chief State Solicitor, Companies Office and Revenue Commissioner Legal Fees, High Court Fees and all ancillary Fees and expenses. Please note fees for the filing of outstanding Annual Returns are additional.
Please note the above price is only a guide, and that in exceptional circumstances, the Chief State Solicitor or Revenue Solicitor may increase their fees, and Company Bureau reserves the right to increase the above price accordingly.
Owners Management Company (OMC) Restoration
Where an Owners Management Company (OMC) has been dissolved for less than 6 years, it can apply for a restoration without having to make an application to the High Court. An Owners Management Company is defined in section 1 of the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011. Company Bureau can assist with the requirements which are generally as per a standard restoration of a company dissolved less than 1 year, however, the Registrar must be satisfied that section 137(1) and section 149(8) of the Companies Act 2014 are complied with. It is important to note that the company cannot be restored to the register unless an accountant’s/solicitor’s certificate accompanies the application, as well as a certified copy of the deed of transfer of the common areas in respect of the multi-unit development in relation to which the company was incorporated.
Our fee for this restoration is €450+VAT and outlays. Please contact us for further details. Please note you may also need to change the company name to incorporate the term ‘Owners Management Company’ into the name and also replace the Memorandum & Articles of Association with a new Constitution which has the provisions of the MUD Act 2011 and also the Companies Act 2014.