The Netherlands is the fifth-largest economy in the EU and is located in the heart of Europe. With a stable economy and excellent international industrial relations, the Netherlands is an excellent place to do business. As an EU member it has the convenient Euro currency and is positively ranked as the world’s 8th least corrupt country according to the 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International.
Company Bureau can assist you in setting up a country in the Netherlands, taking advantage of a country where company formation permits 100% foreign ownership. In addition, the Netherlands has the world’s 15th freest economy according to the Heritage Foundation’s 2017 Index of Economic Freedom.
There are 3 main forms of Netherlands Company Registration for non-Dutch residents:
– BeslotenVennootschap (B.V. – Limited Liability Company)
– NaamlozeVennootschap (N.V. – Joint Stock Company)
– Dutch General Partnership (VennootschapOnder Firma – VOF)
A Private Limited Company (B.V.) can now be registered in Holland with a share capital of just one euro (previously €18,000 was required)
Our unique service enables you to register a company in the Netherlands with minimal hassle and without the need to travel there.
Our service includes all notary fees, legal fees and the provision of bank account in order to deposit the share capital required for a Limited Liability Company.
For a competitive jurisdiction with the world’s most extensive double-taxation treaty networks, set up a company in the Netherlands today. Please contact us for further details.